2021-01-11 18:30:35 UTC
Right folks. I have been kind of recovered[1] but the news of impending
doom made me return here. What is this news? We;ll, surely you must have
***@recovered:~$ sdate
Mon 9995 Sep 1993 19:23:06 CET
That's it. Saturday is rollover day. I assume all hell will freeze over
then. Or could it be the beginning of October, - nah.
[1] At least from things related to here. The rants on different other
things of unrecovery can and must wait.
doom made me return here. What is this news? We;ll, surely you must have
***@recovered:~$ sdate
Mon 9995 Sep 1993 19:23:06 CET
That's it. Saturday is rollover day. I assume all hell will freeze over
then. Or could it be the beginning of October, - nah.
[1] At least from things related to here. The rants on different other
things of unrecovery can and must wait.