Post by Julian MacasseyAm I to assume that with the dearth of posts this year,
that all is well in the monastery.
Why wasn't I told?
I retired, and immediately (ok, it was ramping up the previous year) developed
a pain in a very specific part of my hip joint that has so far baffled 3
orthopedists, 1 neurologist, a pain clinic, 2 physical therapists, a
psychiatrist and a mental therapist. Nothing shows up on an MRI except one of
my discs has almost completely collapse but everybody says that's no related,
and so far none of the pain medicine actually touches the pain. Although the
Duloxitene I was taking for pain has stopped me for spending half the night
googling how to pay what I need to commit suicide.
It leaves me completely unable to do all the things I'd planned to do in
retirement, like paddle my kayak, travel for more than 30 minutes or so in a
car, sit in a normal seat for any length of time, fly economy. Oh, and the
various pain medicines have made me sleepy all the time and kind of dozy, so
the programming projects I planned to take on after retirement are out the
window, even if i could sit in a chair.
Life sucks, but at least I've made a pact with myself not to commit suicide
until 2024 at the earliest, so I've got that going for me.
Paul Tomblin <***>
Get with the program, jeffrey. No one is 'wrong' on Usenet. They are
either 100% totally correct, or they are 'a lying, scum sucking weasel.'
There is no in-between. -- Garrett Johnson