It would appear pigs are sysadmins
(too old to reply)
Niklas Karlsson
2018-04-02 10:05:03 UTC
Pigs are a member of the suid family. Obviously they must be sysadmins.

if (!this->with_sin())
(int) stones[0];
-- Joe Pfeiffer's friend
Julian Macassey
2018-04-03 00:47:20 UTC
Post by Niklas Karlsson
Pigs are a member of the suid family. Obviously they must be sysadmins.
I used to wrangle some Swedish Landrace pigs, they were
pretty smart.
"We have to talk about it. We have to find out what’s going on because the
press honestly is out of control." - Donald Trump, 16 Feb 2017
Wojciech Derechowski
2018-04-03 23:09:39 UTC
Post by Niklas Karlsson
Pigs are a member of the suid family. Obviously they must be sysadmins.
Then the sheep broke out into a tremendous bleating of "Four
legs good, two legs bad!" which went on for nearly a quarter
of an hour and put an end to any chance of discussion.

Who is Entscheidungs and what is his problem?
2018-04-30 06:06:08 UTC
Post by Niklas Karlsson
Pigs are a member of the suid family. Obviously they must be sysadmins.
Sssh, they want to keep it quiet; they don't want random other animals
asking them to fix their PCs at parties :)
Steve VanDevender
2018-05-05 19:32:55 UTC
Post by Niklas Karlsson
Pigs are a member of the suid family. Obviously they must be sysadmins.
If they get root access without offering any credentials, they are
probably just a security risk.
Steve VanDevender "I ride the big iron" http://hexadecimal.uoregon.edu/
***@hexadecimal.uoregon.edu PGP keyprint 4AD7AF61F0B9DE87 522902969C0A7EE8
Little things break, circuitry burns / Time flies while my little world turns
Every day comes, every day goes / 100 years and nobody shows -- Happy Rhodes
Brian Kantor
2018-05-06 22:48:50 UTC
Post by Steve VanDevender
Post by Niklas Karlsson
Pigs are a member of the suid family. Obviously they must be sysadmins.
If they get root access without offering any credentials, they are
probably just a security risk.
As I understand it, pigs are often to be found rooting around.
- Brian
